Calcium was our class topic today. Students guessed how many bones were in Bob the model skeleton, who had the same number as a person. Guesses ranged from 10 to 360 bones as students debated what qualified as a bone. Arturo was declared the winner with his guess of 200 - closest to the correct answer of 206. He won a toothbrush to use on his teeth bones!
We learned that we all need at least three servings of calcium a day to keep our bones strong. Dairy and non-dairy, along with osteoporosis, were new vocabulary words. We discussed that dairy foods are products of cows and goats, and that cheese, milk and yogurt were dairy foods high in calcium.
Each student picked their favorite calcium food from a pile of glossy food pictures. They then had to determine their food's name and if it was a dairy food or not. One by one students came to the front to present.
We ended class by making a delicious, calcium filled treat. Each pair of students was given one line of recipe directions on a slip of paper. As the direction was called out, that pair came forward to perform their task. After a demonstration, we ate string cheese as well, which the students marveled over.
Here’s the recipe we followed for a refreshing Orange Julius. Enjoy!

Combine in a blender:
- 1 cup milk
- 1 cup ice cubes
- 6 ounces frozen orange juice (half a can, preferably calcium fortified)
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- ½ teaspoon vanilla
- ¼ cup powdered milk
Blend until smooth, about one minute.