Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring energy

Today my students seemed to have a case of spring fever. The staff teacher in my classroom had to ask students repeatedly to put their pencils down while she was talking. She firmly explained that when the teacher is talking, it is time to listen. All of the students nodded and said things like, “Yes, teacher. Sorry!”

We also do an activity where everyone stands up, mingles, and asks other people a question we have just worked on answering. The expectation is clear that all students need to stand up and continue asking people until a teacher tells them it is time to move on to the next question. Some people need to be told to stand up when the activity starts, and many times people sit down before it is over. Today the staff teacher stopped the class to explain the importance of speaking practice.

Clearly not everyone in the class was acting this way, and the people who were doing it didn't do it in a defiant manner. On the contrary, students are overwhelmingly positive, grateful and respectful to other students and teachers. It seems the impeding spring weather is making everyone, students and teachers alike, a bit antsy. It would have been nice to have done an activity where we could have gone outside, though that is not possible logistically for our class.

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